Happy Holidays....Green The World is offering several specials in the month of December. Simple Shoes and Bags, in stock only, are $10.00 off. All Green The World and Plastic Bags Blow t-shirts are buy one get one 1/2 off. All Maggies lounge wear is $5.00 off along with the billboard belts and Little PackRat Backpacks. More specials will be offered throughout the month so please stop buy and give "green" this Christmas.
There are several ways to go green at Christmas and help save money. Do not buy expensive gift wrap, use newspapers or re-use paper sacks you have or magazines. You can also make bows with the same paper by cutting it into strips and then curling with the edge of a pair of scissors. You can also use cereal boxes for gift wrapping shirts and cracker boxes, rice boxes, any kind of empty food box to wrap gifts in. When sending Christmas Cards, try emailing and if you must send a card buy one made of recycled paper.
Please remember to take time for yourself and if possible, help those less fortunate. The holidays can be a time of stress and worry for many so do not overdo and enjoy the season with family and friends by staying home and playing boardgames and have potluck instead of spending money on a movie and dinner.
May peace be with you this holiday season and the New Year brings us all good health and happiness.
Does Castor Oil Really Work to Re-Grow Hair?
8 years ago